Blue Life Suite, Hotels, services, concierge and more.
We operate in Capri Napoli, Milano, Firenze e Roma

Blu Life Suite was born from the passion of three friends Enzo, Massimo and Arturo who after years of experience decide to put their experiences and skills together to create a format capable of accompanying tourists in all stages of their journey, from choice of hotel up to the selection of the best experiences to live in the area.

Blu Life Suite selects the best products of the tourist offer in Capri, Naples, Milan, Florence and Rome. Blu Life Suite offer customers all-round support in choosing the best location for holidays and business trips, guaranteeing seriousness, reliability, transparency and discretion.

Blu Life Suite


Our exclusive hotels for a unique stay on the island of Capri

Blu Life Suite


Our concierges will take care of booking the best restaurants for you

Blu Life Suite


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Blu Life Suite


Contact us to receive further information about our services or to plan your holiday.

Prenota subito uno dei nostri hotel

Prenota o richiedi maggiori informazioni sui nostri hotel, ti risponderemo nel minor tempo possibile. 

Prenota subito uno dei nostri servizi

Prenota o richiedi maggiori informazioni per i nostri servizi, ti risponderemo nel minor tempo possibile. Affidati a noi e scoprirete lo stile perfetto da dare alla location per cui avete optato. Rilassati e goditi la resto ci pensiamo noi!

Book one of our hotels now

Book or request more information about our hotels, we will reply as soon as possible.

Book one of our services now

Book now or request more information about our services, we will reply as soon as possible. Trust us and and enjoy your holiday…we’ll take care of everything!